Strategy Planning

For Real Estate Companies

Revisiting and challenging your organization’s strategy annually and on a reoccurring schedule is key to unlocking enterprise growth.

For all real estate companies, a strategic plan and the planning process itself offers a competitive edge, enabling you to focus talents and energies, and to measure achievements against internal and external benchmarks.

Strategy For Real Estate Companies Book Front Cover

Browse some of RCLCO’s public research and reports regarding strategy planning.

In collaboration with the Urban Land Institute, RCLCO leadership literally wrote the book on strategic planning for real estate companies. View the newest edition of our publication, “Strategy Planning for Real Estate Companies”, and purchase here.

Our proprietary method has driven billions in growth for clients, from small family offices to large industry-leading REITs.

Our Strategy Planning Expertise

Our strategic planning process helps position real estate companies for growth in a competitive and fast-changing marketplace.

Future-proof your portfolio

Research demonstrates that real estate performance over the last several decades is highly dependent on market and product selection. RCLCO helps companies identify the big trends impacting the industry and optimize their portfolio to benefit from those market shifts.

Strategically allocate resources to growth

Successful real estate companies regularly revaluate resource allocation to align with strategic priorities. A strategic planning process analytically considers allocation opportunities and is structured to help executives consider ways to shake up the status quo and put resources where they matter most.

Prepare a strategy that addresses the company’s varied stakeholder set

Real estate enterprises balance the needs of stakeholders – investors, tenants, employees, communities, counterparties, etc. – on a daily basis. RCLCO’s strategy planning process thoughtfully integrates a range of stakeholder perspectives through aligned portfolio, capital, and organizational strategies.

The RCLCO Strategy Formulation Process

The typical process includes three basic stages: discovery analysis, enterprise strategy formulation, and implementation planning.

Every company, and therefore every strategic planning exercise, is unique, and while RCLCO has developed a strategy planning process that has proven successful in countless other situations, the process is eminently flexible and will be tailored to fit the specific needs of your company/team at this time in your evolution.

Graphic showing RCLCO Pillars of Strategy Planning Process

We play the role of facilitator and real estate expert to ensure that the strategy formulated is developed and is “owned” by the management team, which ensures buy-in, relevance and longevity, and is grounded in the marketplace.

We provide the structure and framework for the strategy, as well as a perspective gained through our experience with scores of other real estate companies and countless real estate developments across the country.

We inform the process by bringing to bear our knowledge of the real estate markets, economic, demographic and consumer trends that are likely to shape real estate opportunities moving forward, as well as our network of the leadership teams with whom we work day in and day out.

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Our Strategy Planning Services

Strategic Planning    |    Innovation Management    |    Customer Knowledge    |    Capital Formation Strategy    |    Risk Management    |    Turnaround Planning

Sample Project Experience