Portfolio Strategy

Designing a portfolio to outperform today and tomorrow

We understand the importance of portfolio design as a primary determinant of economic performance, and our research has consistently demonstrated the importance of product and market selection in driving portfolio returns that outperform the sector as a whole.

We help clients across traditional and alternative real estate product types and all U.S. markets develop portfolio strategies that take advantage of market movements. Our portfolio consulting builds on an over 50 year legacy of evaluating the fundamentals of supply and demand in both the property and capital markets. We work with every client to rigorously assess the macro-trends driving performance and craft a future-proofed portfolio that capitalizes on those shifts. And, our recommendations always incorporate a careful consideration of economic cycles and risk to support the creation of a more resilient asset base.

Our Portfolio Strategy Expertise

Building on rigorous analytical methods tailored to the real estate industry, our team helps companies design strategically-aligned portfolios that are well-positioned for future growth.

Take advantage of next-gen trends

Leading real estate companies are making investment decisions with an outlook beyond the traditional 7 to 10 year investment horizon. We help clients understand the big themes impacting the real estate market over the long-term and how to position their portfolio to take advantage of the future that lies around-the-corner.

Seize attractive new market opportunities

Entering a new market or expanding into a new real estate product type can be a make or break moment for growing real estate companies. Our product/market selection and entry efforts help clients identify the right targets and execute expansion strategically while mitigating risk.

Understand performance and identify areas of weakness

Developing an objective understanding of your portfolio’s past performance can be an essential starting point to capturing future value. We are frequently asked by clients to conduct a performance audit and benchmarking to identify their performance relative to a peerset, the areas in which their organization has excelled, and portfolio or operational adjustments that can be made to support better performance in the future.

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Our Strategy Planning Services

Assess and optimize your asset base

Leading real estate companies are differentiated by the strength of their portfolios. We work with organizations to evaluate existing portfolios and design a future state that is aligned with the company’s strategy, resilient in the face of market risks, and positioned to benefit from thematic changes in the market.

» Portfolio evolution and modeling
» Portfolio risk assessment
» Exposure & concentration analysis
» Portfolio rotation planning

Expand your portfolio accretively

Investing in a new geography or product type requires careful analysis and planning. We will work with your team to identify economically attractive investment opportunities, define the competitive landscape, and craft a market entry plan that leverages your organization’s strengths to create competitive advantage in the target market.

» Market opportunity analysis
» Opportunity prioritization and ranking
» Competitive landscape analysis
» Go-to-market strategy

Understand your performance

Through an analytically-driven deep-dive in project-level and portfolio-level economic results, we evaluate clients’ historical performance relative to market benchmarks. Our analysis helps isolate organizational strengths and weaknesses.

» Portfolio benchmarking
» Capability/gap analysis

Sample Project Experience