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Webinar: Friday Round-Up March 20, 2020

Part of our webinar series on the real estate impacts of COVID-19

Join RCLCO Senior Managing Directors Adam Ducker and Taylor Mammen to explore how senior leaders in real estate are addressing the health, human, and economic impacts of this unprecedented global event.

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RCLCO Friday Round-Up: March 20, 2020

Covered topics include:

1. Analysis of the current impacts that the coronavirus crisis is having on the market and what might be in store further down the line.

2. The differing effects of the COVID-19 crisis faced within the real estate industry. How are GPs and developers responding, and how is that different from the responses of LPs and investors?

3. The RCLCO planning framework and how to begin strategizing for the recovery.


30-minute moderated discussion
15-minute interactive audience Q&A

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